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Plant pathology - Check your knowledge Questions

1.      The disease responsible for the Irish famine in 1845-46 is:
a.        Early blight of potato   
b.       Late blight of potato  
c.        Stem rust of wheat 
d.       Brown spot of rice

2.      The disease responsible for the great Bengal famine in 1942-43 is:
a.        Rice blast    
b.       Brown spot of rice   
c.        Wheat rust    
d.       Take all of wheat

3.      The heterocious nature of rust fungi is discovered by:
a.        K.C. Mehta   
b.        Anton de Bary     
c.        Williams et al.            
d.       Blacklee

4.      Solar energy treatment for control of loose smut of wheat was given by:
a.       Luthra          
b.      Prevost         
c.        Katan          
d.       S. Nagarajan

5.      The association of root knot nematode with fusarial wilt of cotton was reported by:
a.        Atkinson (1892)       
b.        Hunges (1901)         
c.        C. Devain (1857)          
d.       Hutchinson (1908)

6.      The world “Nematology” was coined by:
a.        Goeldi              
b.       NA Cobb           
c.        MJ Berkeley          
d.       Kuhn

7.      The first plant pathogenic fungus whose genome is completely sequenced is:
a.        Neurospora crassa  
b.       Magnaporthe grisea    
c.        Fusarium oxysponem    
d.       Ustilago maydis

8.      St. Anthony’s fire is associated with:
a.       Claviceps          
b.       Fusarium        
c.        Aspergillus          
d.       Penicillium

9.      The oldest known viral disease of plant is:
a.        Tulip breaking     
b.       Tobacco mosaic      
c.        Citrus tristeza       
d.       Cauliflower mosaic

10.    Virus contains:
a.        DNA        
b.       RNA      
c.        DNA and RNA       
d.       DNA or RNA

11.    The presence of the pathogen or its part on a host plant is:
a.        Sign           
b.       Symptom          
c.        Infection         
d.       Disease

12.    Ooze test is the diagnostic test for:
a.        Bacteria         
b.       Virus        
c.       Fungi       
d.       All

13.    Powdery mildew causing pathogen belongs to the order:
a.        Perabisporales        
b.        Erysiphales        
c.        Uredinales       
d.       Ustilaginales

14.    AUDPC stands for:
a.       Authority of disease protection and communication
b.      Area under disease plant curve
c.       Area under disease gradient progressive curve

1.      QTL stands for:
a.        Qualitative trait loci                                    
b.       Quantitative trait loci  
c.        Qualitative trait like                                    
d.      Quantitative trait like

2.      Active principle of Bordeaux mixture is:
a.       Copper sulphate     
b.      Calcium sulphate      
c.       Calcium hydroxide        
d.      Copper hydroxide

3.      Which of the following rust is not caused by fungi:
a.       White rust         
b.      Red rust        
c.       Black rust       
d.      Yellow rust

4.      Ratoon stunting of sugarcane is caused by
a.       Bacteria       
b.      RLO   
c.       MLO   
d.      phytoplasma

5.      UG-99 is a virulent race against many resistance genes which have previously protected the wheat from
a.       stem rust 
b.      leaf rust 
c.       stripe rust 
d.      all
6.      The rust of wheat confined to north India
a.       black rust 
b.      leaf rust 
c.       stripe rust 
d.      all

7.      A system of assigning specific resistance genes to a specific geographic area to control pests is known as
a.       gene pyramiding 
b.      gene deployment
c.       gene cycling 
d.      gene silencing

8.      bringing two or more different genes conferring resistance to same pathogen or insect pest in same variety is
a.       gene pyramiding
b.       gene deployment
c.       gene cycling
d.      multilines

9.      yellow ear rot of wheat is caused by
a.       anguina tritici
b.      Rathayibacter tritici
c.       both
d.      none

10.    karnal bunt of wheat is
a.       seed borne
b.      soil borne
c.       air borne
d.      both b & c

11.    pearly root symptoms in redgram is due to
a.       RKN
b.      cyst nema
c.       wilt
d.      none

12.    leaf shredding in sorghum is due to
a.         peranospora sorghi
b.         sclerospora sorghi
c.         pseudoperenospora sorghi
d.         perenosclerospora sorghi

13.Stinking smell in bunt is due to
a.triethyl amine
b. trimethyl amine
c.tetra ethyl amine
d.tetramethyl amine

14. J-shaped galls is due to root knot nematode are produced in

15.Score is the trade name of


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