1961 - Four double cross hybrids --> Ganga 1, Ganga 101, Deccan and Ranjeet
Top cross varietes --> Ganga 2, Hi Starch
1967 - Six Composites were released --> Vikram, Vijay, Amber, Kisan, Jawahar, Sona
1971 - Lysine rich Opaque-2 composites --> Protina, Shakti and Ratan
QPM Quality protein Maize using Opaque-2 gene --> Shaktiman-1, Shaktiman-2, HQPM-1
Hybrid variety of Maize - Sangum, Ganga safed
Pusa Vivek QPM-9 Improved -> enhanced tryptophan(74%),
Lysine(60%) and high protein (3.62%)

Zea Mays
Chromosome number(2n) -20
Progenitor of maize is -> Teosinte (Zea mexicana)
Genome size of Maize is around 2500Mb and was sequenced in 2009, it has one of the largest genomes in the plant kingdom.
1961 - Four double cross hybrids --> Ganga 1, Ganga 101, Deccan and Ranjeet
Top cross varietes --> Ganga 2, Hi Starch
1967 - Six Composites were released --> Vikram, Vijay, Amber, Kisan, Jawahar, Sona
1971 - Lysine rich Opaque-2 composites --> Protina, Shakti and Ratan
QPM Quality protein Maize using Opaque-2 gene --> Shaktiman-1, Shaktiman-2, HQPM-1
Hybrid variety of Maize - Sangum, Ganga safed
New released varieties of Maize in 2017-18
Baby corn hybrid – Maize
VL baby corn
Sweet corn – Hi-brix-39
QPM hybrid developed through MAS-> Pusa HM-8 Improved, Pusa
HM-9 Improved and Pusa HM-4 Improved