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Important books in the field of agriculture extension


Challenging the professionals – R. Chambers
Extension Education - Advi Reddi
Agricultural Extension- Van De Bam
Extension Science - N. Rolling
Extension communication and management - G. L. Ray
Introduction to Extension education - S. V. Supe
Extension education in community development- J. Paul Leagans
Audio-Visual methods in training -Edgar Dale
An introduction to Agricultural Extension - A. T. Mosher
Foundation of behavioural research - F. N. Kerlinger
A theory of human motivation - Abraham H. Maslow
Extension teaching methods - Mc Willson and G. Gallup
Organizational communication - E. M. Rogers and Rekha Rogers
Communication of Innovation - E. M. Rogers and E. F. Shoemakers
Diffusion of innovation - E. M. Rogers
Knowledge and use of extension methods-a guide to community
Development - D Ensminger
Study of +ve philosophy- Auguste comte
Principles of philosophy- Herbert Spencer
The human side of enterprise- D McGregor
Methods of social survey and research- S. R. Bajpai
Pedagogy of the oppressed- Paulo Freire
Traditional Media in India- S. C. Parmer
Guide on alternative extension approaches- G. H. Auxin
Cooperative extension work- Kelsey and Herne
Cooperative extension service- Sanders
Education and communication for development- O. P. Dhama
and O. P. Bhatnagar
Farmers first- A practical paradigm in rural development- R. Chambers
Communication process in Rural development- J. P. Leagans
The process of communication- David K. Berlo
Introductory rural development- J. B. Chitamber
Modernizing world agriculture- S. K. Wagmare
Scientific Social Survey and Research-P. V. Young
Attacking rural poverty- Coomb &Ahmed

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